Ph.D., Professor
School of Energy Engineering (Building 411-101 & 102)
Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
Office +82-53-950-8973; Lab +82-53-950-6278; Fax +82-53-950-8979
E-mail:; homepage:
Total Citations >17,600; H-index 68
Google Scholar ID: 8eHY20AAAAAJ
Research ID: A-1247-2012; ORCID ID:
Included in the 2024 Stanford's List of World Top 2% Scientists (8 consecutive years since 2017)
2001. 03 - 2004. 08 | Ph.D., School of Environmental Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea |
1999. 03 - 2001. 02 | M.S., School of Environmental Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea |
1995. 03 - 1999. 02 | B.S., Department of Environmental Science, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea |
2008. 09 - Present | Assistant, Associate, Full Professor, KNU |
2018. 08 - 2019. 07 | Visiting Associate, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
2014. 08 - 2015. 07 | Visiting Associate, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
2006. 02 - 2008. 08 | Postdoctoral Researcher, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
2004. 09 - 2006. 01 | Postdoctoral Researcher, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea |
2022.08 - Present | Editorial Board, Photocatalysis: Research and Potential, SCIEPublish |
2021. 11 - Present | Editor, Sustainable Horizons, Elsevier |
2020. 06 - Present | Editorial Board, Catalysts, MDPI |
2019. 04 - Present | Editorial Board, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Elsevier |
2013. 06 - Present | Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Elsevier |
2015. 04 - 2019. 03 | Editor, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Elsevier |
2014. 07 - 2015. 09 | Editorial Board, International Journal of Photoenergy, Hindawi |
2014. 01 - 2018. 12 | Associate Editor, Environmental Engineering Research, The Korea Society of Environmental Engineering |
2012. 09 - 2020. 08 | Editorial Board, Rapid Communication in Photoscience, The Korea Society of Photoscience |
2023. 07 | Selected as an Advisory Board Member of The Materials Science & Technology, LG Electronics |
2018. 12 | Selected as an Outstanding Reviewer for Sustainable Energy & Fuels, Royal Society of Chemistry |
2018. 05 | The Kyungpook National University Academic Award (경북대학교 학술상) |
2018. 04 | The Park Su-Moon Award, The Korean Electrochemical Socity (한국전기화학회 박수문 학술상) |
2014. 04 | The Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) Foundation Fellow, Korea (SBS 재단 펠로우) |
2013. 04 | Best Paper of the Year Award, The Korean Electrochemical Society (한국전기화학회 JECST 올해의 논문상) |
2012. 10 | The Knowledge & Creativity Award, The Minstry of Education, Science & Technology (교육과학기술부 2012 지식창조대상) |
2006. 02 | Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Korean Research Foundation (한국연구재단 해외박사후연구원 펠로우쉽) |
2005. 05 | Best Paper Award, The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (한국화학공학회 우수논문상) |
1999. 02 | Honor Graduate Award (summa cum laude), Hallym University (한림대학교 수석 졸업상) |
2023. 01 - Present | Chair of Environmental and Energy Division, The Korean Chemical Society (대한화학회 환경에너지분과 회장) |
2020. 01 - Present | Member of the Board, The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (한국공업화학회 산학연 이사 및 교육위원회 부위원) |
2020. 01 - Present | Member of the Board, The Korean Electrochemical Socity (한국전기화학회 프라임 및 기술지편집위원회 이사) |
2020. 01 - 2022. 12 | General Affairs, The Korean Society of Photoscience (한국광과학회 총무이사) |
2019. 09 - 2021. 08 | Steering Committee, The National Water Industry Cluster, The Korea Environment Corporation (한국환경공단 국가물산업클러스터 운영위원) |